The Wines

At the center of our work is the development of fruity-sweet wines. For our wines which are all categorized by the VDP-statute we strive for a very long aging potential. Its fascinating how fresh and complex our older wines taste even after century's
All of our wines ferment spontaneous with natural yeast which is important during a restrained and sensitive development. The fermentation of the must runs on a low temperature either in a stainless steel tank or in the traditional oak barrel - the Fuder.
For our dry wines we cultivate a sinewy and a lively, minerally style. But we do not use the term "dry" for those wines on purpose due to the fact that these wines do not reach the "dry-frontier" set by law. They have however the taste and characteristics of dry wines.
Only healthy grapes are used for our Kabinett wines which develop a particular filigree, lively and a not too opulent taste. Also the Spätlese and Auslese is pressed from healthy ripe grapes only. Despite the wealth and complexity of flavor we strive for a very animating and fresh character for these wines.
Only grapes with the noble rot (Botrytis), which are concentrated, raisin-like berrys, are used for wines like Trockenbeerenauslse and Auslese with gold-capsule. These wines can mature for decades and show beside an exquisite fruitiness a great minerally flavor.